Services for public Sector
/in /by smartfel073Services for public Sector

Advisory and Management Consulting Services
Public sector organisations are having to change the way they deliver services, not only as a response to the need to save costs, but also to provide high quality services that meet the demands of an ever discerning public.
This gives rise to opportunities for innovation and reform.
Across every aspect of central, local and devolved government, there is a common objective to reduce cost through:
- Improving operational efficiency
- Introducing new models of service delivery
- Restructuring and reorganising public bodies
- Competing and incentivising service providers
- Driving optimal benefits from new and existing technology/IT
- Collaborating effectively to achieve required service delivery outcomes
- Operating commercially to exploit assets and generate revenues.
The vision for the future is a leaner, more commercial, locally focused and responsive public sector. The challenge for public service bodies, including central government, local authorities, the NHS, fire authorities and police bodies in particular, is to reshape service delivery so that this vision is not only delivered but is sustainable in the long-term.
Our public sector advisory team works with government and third sector bodies to progress transition to realise target outcomes. Our clients are increasingly seeking to purchase tailored, specialist services, focused on specific aspects of their transformation programme which they are unable to deliver internally. This support falls across these key areas:
- Strategy and business planning – Advising on development of vision, strategy and objectives. Reviews of commercial opportunities. Long-term business planning, including key planning assumptions, financial strategy
- Performance & efficiency – Reviews of existing operating models and services to identify opportunities to improve performance and reduce cost. Advice on operating more commercially, including generating value from existing assets and services
- Collaboration and transactions – Advice on alternative models of delivery, such as local commissioning, shared services, managed services, outsourcing, joint ventures, LLPs and strategic partnerships and establishing stronger incentives for providers. Transaction advisory services, including corporate finance, business case development, bid support, due diligence, integration planning. Reviews of the effectiveness of collaboration approaches.
- New funding models – Advice on new ways of financing the costs of delivery including capital release, payment by results, social impact bonds, securitisation of future revenue streams, user charging and private finance
- Procuring new models of delivery – Advising clients on the strategic and detailed commercial structuring and procurement of new delivery arrangements including locally based commissioning, shared services, managed services, outsourcing, joint ventures, etc.
- Implementation advice – Advice on the implementation of the new service delivery model including strategic advice, project and programme management and benefits realisation
- Contract and service management – Advice on contract/service management and cost reduction, including contract disputes, renegotiations, benchmarking and market testing, contract changes or re-scoping, gain share and financial models
- Transformation execution – Advice and support for the implementation of new service delivery models and transformation of public bodies and entities, including strategic advice, integration or merger planning and execution, project and programme management and benefits realisation
- Digital transformation – Advice on new technology and IT solutions to reduce costs, improve efficiency and migrate to a digital based operating model for enhanced stakeholder and citizen access, contact and service delivery solutions
- Outsourcing, contract and service management – Advice on outsourcing options, contract/service management and cost reduction, including contract disputes, renegotiations, benchmarking and market testing, contract changes or re-scoping, gain share and financial models
- Governance – with the increase in use of alternative models of delivery and transformative change, we provide advice on the right governance systems, processes and procedures, compliance reviews, group reporting arrangements, and member training and support. Advise on following governance areas: board, financial, project, quality (for healthcare)
- Financial resilience – Advice on the effectiveness of strategic financial planning and financial management, reviews of medium-term financial strategies and plans, and capacity building programmes for the finance function
This advice can be supported by a robust analysis place, which provides an in-depth understanding of current conditions, the capacity to identify underlying trends and future drivers of change, to help enable effective operation and decision making.