Research for Society
/in /by smartfel073Research for Society

We have extensive experience in undertaking social research and evaluation for government to inform policy, strategy and practice. Our research wing conducts high quality project execution, innovative and cutting-edge research methodology, and analysis and strategic thinking.
Our input into policy development covers a diverse range of themes and portfolios.
Our portfolio of research explores and measure community knowledge, attitudes and behaviours across a wide range of topic including violence against women, race-based discrimination, social cohesion, immigration, gambling, financial literacy, pro-social bystander behaviour, parenting and families, road safety, political participation and the environment.Education and training
Research across the complete continuum of the education system from early childhood education to secondary schooling and tertiary/vocational education.
Health and wellbeing
Encompassing areas such as population health surveillance, health outcomes following injury and illness, child health and wellbeing, mental health, the social determinants of health, community knowledge of and attitudes towards cancer, vaccination attitudes and behaviours, tobacco control, alcohol use, drug use, diet and nutrition, and obesity.
Employment transitions and the labour market
We have conducted numerous studies exploring people’s transitions in and out of the labour market, including parents returning to the labour market, early school leavers preparing for employment, older workers, people with health problems and graduates entering work. Our research also covers the effectiveness of labour market activation programs, and the role and delivery of welfare and employment services (including jobactive, and its predecessors Job Services Australia and Job Network).
Research methods
We regularly undertake independent research to develop and refine innovations in social research methods. Our experts regularly present at highly regarded industry conferences in country and overseas, such as the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) conference and the Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Inc. Social Science Methodology Conference.
Business and employers
We have substantial experience in conducting research and evaluation involving business, workplace and employer populations. Key themes have included skill shortages, knowledge gaps, leadership capability, employee/employer satisfaction, and awareness and access of government programs
Marginalised and vulnerable communities
We have expertise in engaging with individuals and groups in a range of complex, difficult and challenging circumstances including people from marginalised communities or disadvantaged groups and other ‘hard-to-reach’ or ‘hard-to-engage’ respondents by virtue of personal characteristics or attributes, geography or beliefs.
Service experience and outcomes
We have measured service delivery, social, health and vocational outcomes for clients in the third party insurance and compensable injuries sectors and other service providers.