PPP Advisory
Public Private Partnership (PPP) Advisory is one of the key focus areas of SMARTFEL. We are one of the leading Consulting firms in Bangladesh who has experience in executing PPP deals in Bangladesh. Our experienced PPP Advisory team brings industry best practice and depth of skill in PPP Advisory and our PPP project experience can add significant value to the clients. Our PPP Advisory services include:
Advisory on preparation of Financial Bid Private Sector Bidders through comprehensive projections and financial modeling.
Designing the investment plans of the PPP Project for the Private sector Bidders.
Assisting the Project Bidder in PPP Contract negotiation with the PPP Authority and other negotiations relating to PPP Project.
Assisting PPP Project Company in securing both Local and Foreign Currency
Financing (both Debt and Equity).
Assisting Private Sector Bidder to achieve successful financial closure which includes market sounding, structuring, preparation of documents, road show, negotiations with lenders and equity investors etc.