Our Professionals
/in /by smartfel073Our Professionals

With a view to providing holistic and integral services in the corporate, public, private and social development sectors, SMARTFEL has been formed and leads a team of the multi-professionals.
Deep Expertise, Broad Experience
Search for ACG consultants and industry experts by area of expertise, office, or country in which they work. Contact our experts by e-mail to inquire about ACG\’s services within your industry or capability.
Meet the individuals who bring a unique perspective, broad experience acquired through close collaboration with clients, and deep insight to our work.
Regardless of their cultural, educational, or professional background, these diverse individuals have much in common: the same commitment to challenging conventional thinking and solving complex problems, experience that spans a variety of industries, and a passion for helping clients succeed.
Our major Professionals are……
- Chartered Accountants
- Lawyers
- Economists
- Financial Analysts
- IT professionals
- Social and Market Research Professionals
- Development and public sector specialists
- Engineers
- HR professional
- Management Consultants