Operational Risk
/in /by smartfel073Operational Risk

Every organization faces ever-present risks from employee conduct, third-parties, technology, data, business processes, and controls. An agile, well-defined approach can help meet core business needs while optimizing strategic flexibility. Are you managing operational risk to help power performance?
Operational Risk Services
SMARTFEL helps organizations transform the ways they leverage people, third-party relationships, technology, data, business processes, and controls to manage operational risks and elevate business performance. Developing integrated, strategically-aligned operational risk management solutions allow organizations to make optimized business decisions.
Our services
- Internal Audit (IA)– We help transform internal audit functions by teaming with, or serving as, the internal audit function to make improvements in internal control and process efficiency and contribute to effective regulatory compliance. We provide input to established internal audit functions on their strategy and purpose, resourcing models, and technology.
- Assurance– We offer specialized information technology audit services to deliver risk and controls, audit analytics to extract insights from data, as well as third-party assurance to manage risks from the extended enterprise.
- Conduct Risk– We help organizations assess and evolve the values, beliefs, tone, conduct, and understanding of risk culture to align with their strategy and business practices.
- Extended Enterprise Risk Management– We evaluate and manage third-party risk related to outsourcing, licensing, alliances, and other business partnerships across the organization to maximize business performance, streamline information technology and licensing costs, and optimize supply chains.
- Operational Risk and Transformation– We help clients transform the ways in which they leverage people, technology, data, business processes, and controls to address their operational risks and drive business performance.
- Technology and Digital Risk– We help organizations take advantage of the benefits of innovative new digital technology and better manage their legacy technology through risk intelligent solutions, advisory, and managed services.
- Data Risk– We advise clients in the growth and deployment of digital capabilities to protect and govern data, generate business insight and enhance decision making through optimizing data discovery, acquisition, use, and discernment.
PPP Advisory
Public Private Partnership (PPP) Advisory is one of the key focus…