Legal Services
/in /by smartfel073Legal Services

We are the tech-enabled legal partner for complex transformations
We are legal Counsellors, we combine the qualities of traditional lawyers, consultants and in-house lawyers. Like traditional lawyers, we deliver high quality legal advice. Like consultants we have the skills, can-do approach and technology support to handle complex projects. Like in-house lawyers we work together with other areas of expertise like finance, tax, strategy, compliance, audit, risk management, marketing and HR. Being a comprehensive service providers, we have market knowledge and bench marking possibilities far beyond most traditional law firms. Our purpose is to solve important problems by looking further than a strict legal analysis. We will bring in the different perspectives ACG has to offer. With our work, we aim to build trust in society.
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- Commercial Contracts
- Corporate Governance;
- Labour and industrial laws;
- Business laws and regulations
- Corporate Governance;
- Corporate (Re) Structuring;
- HR Law;
- Intellectual Property law;
- Mergers and Acquisitions;
- Privacy & Data Protection;
- Regulatory;
- Public Sector