Grant efficiency & effectiveness
/in /by smartfel073Grant efficiency & effectiveness

Globally, donor agencies find it difficult to ensure that funds are being used for the intended purpose and stated objectives. Donor agencies face challenges in finding credible partner organizations that share a common vision. Although Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have the required expertise and knowledge to implement programmes at the grassroots level, they might fall short of robust systems and processes to absorb the finances allocated to them. Development agencies need to have stronger accounting & financial management systems to help monitor and evaluate the impact of their work. A commitment to disclosing regular and timely information can significantly raise the effectiveness of donor funded projects. We offer a range of services, including setting up entities for not-for-profit organizations, assessing pre-grant/fiduciary risk, undertaking capacity-building activities, managing funds, and preparing operating systems and accounting manuals. We also provide services for grant monitoring or external/internal reviews and reviews of internal controls and systems to detect/investigate any unethical practice and illegal activities.