Family Business
/in /by smartfel073Family Business

As a family business, you face a special challenge: you must find a strategy that meets your business ambitions and that fits your family’s standards and values. We can help you in this.
Owner’s Agenda
SMARTFEL implements an integral approach for families, owners and businesses – the Owner’s Agenda. An integral approach for families, owners and family businesses. Interaction between the family and the business can be used to develop a shared vision and strategy that suits the family as well as the company. Together with you, we will develop the strategy that fits the specific needs of your organisation and family. Our professionals take an inventory of the risks and examine the best method for capitalising on your opportunities. Thanks to our extensive and international experience, we can cover everything: from the market to the regulatory environment, and from legal issues, financing and possible legal forms, to tax-optimis dividend distribution.
Owners & families
People must be familiar with their roles and dare to take responsibility if they want to be associates in family businesses.
Only qualified and well informed associates can be effective (co-) entrepreneurs. Successful business families agree upon roles and decision-making powers and determine which family members can and must take care of particular tasks.