Commercial Contracts
/in /by smartfel073Commercial Contracts

Stay in control when it comes to contracts
Company law and contract law together form the framework in which companies operate. These two areas of the law are constantly being updated. We keep you informed and help you avoid unpleasant surprises.
Implementation and advice
Do you need tailored advice on a specific agreement? Or maybe, for example, you need advice or assistance regarding contractual implementation of transfer pricing advice? If so, we can provide you with expert legal advice in line with your specific needs. We can help you draw up and amend drafts and contracts, and assist you in contract negotiations.
A few examples of the services we provide
- Assistance in drawing up a wide range of agreements, from distribution and franchising agreements to licensing and joint venture agreements
- Assistance in drawing up and designing transfer pricing related documentation
- Assistance in drawing up general terms and conditions
- Due diligence investigation of contracts