Business Plan
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Business Plan Development : Writing Effective Business Plans
SMARTFEL advisors team specializes in writing business plans that help established, growing companies raise capital from a variety of institutional lenders, funds, and equity firms.
Our business plans contain the relevant company information and financial models required by lenders and investors in order to make funding decisions. As business plan consultants, SMARTFEL writes professional business plans for established growing companies as part of our process to raise capital.
Writing A Relevant Business Plan: Our Business Plan Development Process
SMARTFEL business plan development process includes working with entrepreneurs and management teams in order to develop and define all aspects of a company’s business planning strategy, including marketing strategy, growth strategy, acquisition strategy, and capital raising strategy. Our plans are reflective of a solid performing company that has experience raising capital from institutions and investors.
SMARTFEL writes business plans with financial models and get them funded from institutional lenders, equity firms, and specialty debt providers. Our business plans are ideally positioned to enhance the company’s existing plan by using our business plan consultants and our dynamic financial planning process. By developing the plan in conjunction with our dynamic financial planning process, SMARTFEL ensures that the business plan is relevant to the current market demand before distribution to investors or institutions.
Our business plan development process does not require that we “start from scratch”. We are very happy to use the information that a company has previously developed, and can ensure that the final plan is written professionally, and contains the appropriate financial information that reflects the professional standard expected from institutions and investors.
Written by experienced consultants and investment bankers, our typical business plan writing and dynamic financial planning process takes two to four weeks to complete prior to sending out to institutions. Based on the financing required, clients can expect funding in three to six months post project kick off from qualified institutions interested in receiving their business plans, and qualified to fund their need.
Comprehensive Business Plans
SMARTFEL writes comprehensive business plans for established businesses that contain a prioritized growth strategy. As corporate financial planning consultants and qualified business advisors, we ensure that the plans we write for our clients are attainable, and the capital requirement is realistic. We analyze the many methods available in the capital markets to help finance the growth of the business. We help management determine the financing option that best positions the company for the future prior to distributing the business plan to qualified institutions.
Business Plans Include Historical and Projected Financial Statements
Investing institutions must believe that the Company’s business plan is both strategic and attainable. To illustrate to investors the viability of the Company’s capacity to grow, the business plan must include historical and projected financials. Business plans not only need to tell the story of the company, but need to accurately reflect the current and future financial performance of the company as well as the expected results with the desired financing.
SMARTFEL has relationships and primarily targets financial institutions that know our work, solicit our plans, and are interested in investing in specific market sectors. This ensures that our business plans are welcomed and read by a wide range of financial institutions. In short, institutions are anxious to hear from us and invest in our clients. Unlike mass business plan writing companies, SMARTFEL pre-qualifies investors and banking institutions before sending out business plans. We don’t typically represent start up companies. We write business plans for companies that require financing to fund growth, acquire companies, execute management buyouts, leveraged buyouts, or refinance corporate debt.