Agro and Food Business
/in /by smartfel073Agro and Food Business

The Bangladesh is a agro-based country. The sector is the silent engine driving the the economy. Providing millions of Dollar in added value, it constitutes the largest economic sector in the Bangladesh. SMARTFEL is extremely adept in agro and food processing.
Enhancing trust in food is among the most complex problems that business and society must solve, but it is also one of the greatest opportunities for food companies that get it right. With our fully integrated suite of consulting, tax and Advisory services in food supply and integrity, we’ll build the resilience, agility and reputation of your organisation. From farm to fork, we’ve got your supply chain covered. Our nationwide food supply and integrity services offer a total solution to enhance food security, safety and quality to give people the greatest confidence in your food.
How can we help
Our AgriFood services give a breadth of expertise not usually combined in a service offering to address the urgent need for a fully integrated food trust assurance and consulting business. We would welcome the opportunity to talk with you about how we can put our many years of experience, knowledge and relationships to work for your benefit. Together, we’ll help you give people greater trust in your food. Connect with us today.
Recent food fraud incidents have increased the need to protect consumers by strengthening the food industry’s ability to detect and combat fraud across supply chains. Learn more and assess your food fraud vulnerability.