/in /by smartfel073Sustainability

The world faces a critical moment in tackling the challenges of climate change, environmental pollution, and responsible use of resources. We are minimizing our own environmental footprint while supporting those who are working to improve global environmental sustainability.
We want our offices to be great places for our people—and for the environment
Almost half of our global office space has achieved green-building certification. We target the highest standards for new offices and major renovations (LEED Gold or Platinum, or equivalents). Nearly one-third of our global office space already meets this standard. This year, two of our biggest offices (London and New York) moved into LEED Gold–certified buildings. We are also committed to minimizing our waste footprint—for example, by reducing single-use plastic in our offices and by expanding our recycling programs.
We support others who are protecting the planet
Beyond our own footprint, we seek to use our knowledge and capabilities to support others who are working to improve the environment.