Services for Development Sector
/in /by smartfel073Services for Development Sector

Advisory and Management Consulting Service
A well-functioning Development sector is crucial for a stable society and a flourishing economy. ACG contributes to building public trust in society by helping them maximising public value and to report in a transparent manner.
Our socially involved professionals choose consciously to work in the public domain because they want to contribute to socially relevant issues and solve important problems. This is our ambition! We see it as our task to deliver quality services in the fields of Assurance, Tax, Advisory and Legal Services.Our Services…..
- Project development
- Baseline survey and study
- Sub-sector study
- Trustee development
- Strategic planning and governance change
- Monitoring & evaluation
- Fund and grant management services
- Studies and knowledge transfer
- Expenditure verification
- Project evaluation
- Micro Credit
- Social Business Development
- Market development for rural productions