/in /by smartfel073Research

Business research helps to identify the specific areas to spend money on for development the product, services and its promotion
SMARTFEL provides tailor-made consultancy services to its clients, based on a vast wealth of available in-house information and research networks and instruments.
The link between research capacities and the provision of consultancy services gives SMARTFEL a strong competitive edge in both the national and international markets.
Having worked in different areas, SMARTFEL has an extensive history in national and international consultancy.
In consultancy SMARTFEL provides a broad range of services, including economic analysis, project appraisal, socio-economic research, policy development, market research, mobility studies, including traffic analysis and forecasting. SMARTFEL carries out transport and trade facilitation projects and logistics audits in many countries. Furthermore, SMARTFEL advises companies on development and implementation of export and investment projects on the basis of broad knowledge and experience, as well as local expertise.
Our Research Service
Awareness Surveys & Brand Tracking
Competitor Research
Customer Research
Customer Satisfaction Market Research
Mystery Shopping
Quantitative Research
Research Training
Satisfaction Surveys
Tailored Research Services
Customer Satisfaction service
Employee Satisfaction Survey