Project Finance Advisory
/in /by smartfel073Project Finance Advisory

Our team is made of former project finance bankers and experienced infrastructure, energy, textiles, garments, agriculture finance professionals with a deep understanding of the challenges related to raising limited recourse project financing in the sectors and markets in which we are active.
SMARTFEL often gets involved at the earliest stages of project development or at bid stage to support our clients during the negotiation of the projects’ contractual frameworks to ensure that the proposed commercial arrangements are conducive to implementing an optimal financing package in the context of a limited recourse financing strategy.
360-Degree Approach to Financial Advisory
- Bid Stage Advisory
- Contractual Framework Design
- Permitting Process Review
- Financial Modeling
- Market Study
- Coordination of Road Show, Placement, Due Diligence, & Credit Approval Processes
- Support throughout Documentation
- Derivatives Pricing Benchmark
- Deal Monitoring
When we serve as Financial Advisor, we also design the interest rate risk, currency or inflation hedging strategies for the transaction. Our clients rely on us to understand the risks they are taking when placing a binding bid for a new project and to help them quantify and mitigate those risks. We have developed proprietary pricing tools which permit our clients to quantify those risks, benchmark and deconstruct the often opaque pricing of the derivative instruments embedded in our projects’ financing plans.
Leather Goods Manufacturing Unit, Leather Shoes Factory, Composite Woven/Yarn Dyeing, Sweater, Textiles, Garments, Washing Plant, Ceramics Manufacturing Plant, Food & Beverage Industry, Power Plant, Jute Industries, Dairy and Poultry Sector, Pharmaceuticals Plant, Chemicals Plant, Hotel, Hospital, Leather Industries, Paper & Printing Industries, Agro based Industry , Gypsum Board Manufacturing Plant, Spinning Industries, Weaving Sector, Denim, Knit Composite Plant, LPG Project, Plastic Industries, Sugar Refinery Plant, Recirculating Aquaculture System and Others Industrial Project.
We are attracted to the most challenging projects where we can leverage our unique positioning and skillset to support our Clients’ teams: such as in new sectors or technologies, new markets or untested contractual frameworks, contractor-operators banked on a limited recourse basis for the first time, projects which are pioneers or the largest to date in their asset class.