Family business services
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As a family business, you face a special challenge: you must find a strategy that meets your business ambitions and that fits your family’s standards and values. We can help you in this.
Owner’s Agenda
SMARTFEL implements an integral approach for families, owners and businesses – the Owner’s Agenda. An integral approach for families, owners and family businesses. Interaction between the family and the business can be used to develop a shared vision and strategy that suits the family as well as the company. Together with you, we will develop the strategy that fits the specific needs of your organization and family. Our professionals take an inventory of the risks and examine the best method for capitalizing on your opportunities. Thanks to our extensive and international experience, we can cover everything: from the market to the regulatory environment, and from legal issues, financing and possible legal forms, to tax-optimised dividend distribution.
Owners & families
People must be familiar with their roles and dare to take responsibility if they want to be associates in family businesses.
Only qualified and well informed associates can be effective (co-) entrepreneurs. Successful business families agree upon roles and decision-making powers and determine which family members can and must take care of particular tasks.
Your business has a unique element that no other business has—the aspect of the family. This difference can play a significant role in decision making and offers both opportunities and challenges. We understand that the growth and sustainability of your family business lies in the fine balance between the needs of the business and the expectations of your family members.With its knowledge and experience with family businesses around the world, SMARTFEL Enterprise business advisers have worked with companies – large and small – to address the needs of the business, and the family.
Succession Planning
When it comes to running a business, the toughest decisions can be around succession. As an owner-manager, you want to make the right choices, for your business – and your family. Starting early is critical for a smooth transition. By making decisions and developing transition timelines, you can avoid conflict and build the support and buy-in your successor will need.
SMARTFEL Enterprise family business advisers can help you manage the sensitivities that come with succession and provide confidential advice on the implications of any decisions your family might make. When the time comes, we can also help your successor take on his or her new role.
Family Business Governance
Starting a family business is easy, relatively speaking; sustaining it beyond a couple of generations is the hardest part. It’s often said that the typical family business goes from rags to riches and back to rags in three generations. Better governance of a family business can help improve performance and satisfy the expectations of all family members. Establishing a governance framework that includes a family constitution and code of conduct for family members can help your family deal with changes in the business constructively. It requires your family to think through important scenarios before critical decisions have to be made and find agreement on important family and business goals.
Growth is an essential ingredient to continued business success. While most businesses can achieve growth organically, this can require considerable time and effort. In order to grow sustainably, entrepreneurial businesses must consider all of their market opportunities including seeking out complementary businesses for acquisition, potentially divesting non-core businesses, outsourcing functions to increase cost efficiencies and potentially expanding into the emerging markets.
The need for effective risk management and controls is crucial in an environment of increased scrutiny. It is important to minimize these risks in an entrepreneurial business, not only for the business itself, but also for the family, property holdings and capital. Implementing controls, securing new financing, efficient tax management and optimization can all have a positive impact on the bottom line of your business.
Exit Strategies
Sometimes, an exit strategy rather than a succession plan is needed as there isn’t a next generation of family members who are ready, willing or able to continue the business. The sale of your business is often a once-in-a-lifetime transaction, with just one opportunity to get it right. There are many options when considering an exit for the family business—SMARTFEL Enterprise family business advisers can work with you to examine the options available to you and assist with the transaction itself.
Wealth Management
You’ve worked hard to build your business and make it a success. Now, as you look to the future, you want it to remain in good hands. At the same time, you want to maintain your personal wealth and pass it on to future generations.
SMARTFEL Enterprise family business advisers can help you develop an estate plan for transferring wealth to your heirs and a succession plan for your business in a manner sensitive to your needs. By thinking about the future today, you can mitigate many of the risks associated with unplanned transactions, including family conflict and high probate and other fees.
As a successful entrepreneur or owner-manager of a business, you recognize the importance of giving back to your community – whether through your time, wisdom, money or assets. But giving to others can also be an effective part of your tax and wealth management program.
SMARTFEL Enterprise family business advisers can work with you to maximize the impact of your philanthropic endeavours, both for the organizations and causes that you support and as part of your personal tax plans. We’ll help you find the best ways to structure your support so you can give generously while also being tax-efficient.
Explore more….
- Ownership strategy
- The Family Reasons
- Succession Planning
- Dividing Profits
- Managing Staff Turnover
- Governance and values
- Follow-up and NextGen
- Private wealth
- Financing