Entertainment & Media
/in /by smartfel073Entertainment & Media

Entertainment is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience, or gives pleasure and delight. In the era of changing technology, SMARTFEL can give insights to cope with the transformation.
Our E&M practice has the expertise to help you capture attention and build value in today’s multi-speed media landscape. Consumers today have access to massive amounts of free content. But they still have just 24 hours in a day to consume it. This has caused a shift in power from the media to the consumer, which in turn is creating confusion.
Entertainment and Media Outlook for the Bangladesh
Our Entertainment and Media outlook for Bangladesh helps businesses make more informed decisions, by providing an online source for the analysis of consumer and advertising spend in the Bangladesh.
How can we help
Our Entertainment and Media practice work with businesses to address both the challenges and opportunities presented by digital transformation, assisting them shift from traditional business models to businesses, brands and revenue streams that leverage digital content and platforms.
From strategy development to transformation execution, we work with clients across a wide range of key industry sectors including: television, film, music, internet, video games, advertising, publishing, radio, out of home advertising, business information, and more. Our experts deliver entertainment and media industry-focused assurance, tax, and advisory services with a global perspective, local implementation and in-depth experience.