Construction Project Management
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Construction Project Management Services

SMARTFEL offers clients a comprehensive range of services related to construction project management, fraud investigation, and capital projects advisory. We cover all aspects of construction projects to meet the needs of investors, customers, and contractors.
Construction project management
We provide project management services at each stage of the project life cycle, including carrying out feasibility studies, design work, construction, and commissioning. Projects may be quite complex and capital intensive, thus requiring a well-rounded team of technical engineers, builders, cost managers, and lawyers.
Our extensive experience in construction management, spanning many years, helps investors optimize their budgets and meet project implementation deadlines, as well as improve quality by facilitating optimal management and engineering decisions.
Benefits of working with the SMARTFEL team
1. One-stop-shop principle for clients. Our team will be responsible for coordinating and monitoring the work of construction contractors.
2. Continuous monitoring. We monitor work progress at a construction site on a 24/7 basis and provide the client with regular status updates. Our specialists can develop reporting templates and, where appropriate, provide reports reflecting the main project KPIs on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
3. Engineering approach. The core of our team consists of industrial and civil engineers with extensive experience working on large construction projects. We develop a single 3D model on the basis of available drafts and verify all approved design solutions for their appropriateness and completeness, as well as check for any deficiencies. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, within a matter of hours our team can develop options for adjusting the project design, as well as agree contractors’ work performance capabilities, and send new data to the design bureau for further elaboration.
4. Critical approach to costs. In addition to project management, the SMARTFEL Construction group participates in Forensic projects. This experience allows our specialists to critically evaluate future project costs. We identify inefficient spending and offer clients ways for optimizing capital budgeting even before the approval of working documentation, which prevents additional costs. In addition, we can vet contractors for their affiliations and identify any risks that may interfere with the quality of construction work.
5. Flexible team. The SMARTFEL team for any project is composed and changed depending on the relevant project stage and its level of intensity.
6. Comprehensiveness. Aside from technical specialists, if necessary SMARTFEL can assign experienced specialists from such practice areas as Audit, Tax and Legal, Consulting, Financial Consulting, and Risk Management to a project.
7. Contractual and claim work with contractors. Our team has extensive experience in this area, which helps to maintain performance discipline among contractors. Together with our Legal department, the SMARTFEL project team identifies the relevant areas of responsibility among project participants and acts as an independent party in resolving any disputes over the scope and quality of construction work. In the event of unfulfilled obligations under the contract, our team helps the client determine the subject matter and basis for filing a claim.
8. Independence. Our team is independent, thus allowing us to avoid affiliations that could cause a conflict of interest.
9. Our global reach. We can draw upon the extensive knowledge, practical insights, and deep intellectual capital of the professionals within the SMARTFEL. This in turn enables us to offer a broad range of integrated services in diverse professional disciplines that touch upon nearly every aspect of the capital construction process.
Our team consists of highly qualified engineers with extensive experience managing projects for the construction of manufacturing facilities, power plants, roads, shopping centers, warehouses, data centers, and other industrial and commercial facilities.