Business Establishment Support Services
/in /by smartfel073Business Establishment Support Services

We escort businesses step by step in the process of transforming concepts into real ventures through forming suitable legal entity. Keeping in mind the best interest of clients, we advise potential business ventures on structural options such as independent company, subsidiary, branch office, liaison office, representative office, joint venture, partnership or trust, that is best suited for them and support them with the set up process accordingly. Our services include:
- Drafting memorandum of association and articles of association
- Drafting business constitution / formation contract, partnership deed, trust deed
- Obtaining registration with RJSC and collection of certificate of incorporation
- Obtaining permission / registration from Board of Investment
- Obtaining approvals from BEPZA for establishing industry inside EPZ
- Obtaining registration and recognition from relevant authorities of corporate / income tax, VAT, capital market dealing, trade bodies and associations
- Formation and administration of trust fund
- Obtaining registration of trust
In providing all of the aforementioned services we have the experience, knowledge, and skills necessary to ensure that every possible path is explored in order to successfully fulfil the requirements and goals of our clients.
We have assisted several companies with the process of establishing their operations in Bangladesh. This assistance comes in many forms and includes obtaining permission from Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) and the completion of relevant operating licences.
Our legal staffs are able to assist clients in establishing their businesses in Bangladesh, including the registration of branches, liaison office or companies in accordance with the local Law. BDO provides advice as to the most suitable structure to meet client’s needs and other issues of which they should be aware, including BIDA permission. In addition to the formal incorporation of the entities, BDO can also complete the requisite tax registrations with the National Board of Revenue (NBR).
SMARTFEL provides corporate secretarial services to international companies representing a wide range of activities. In addition to handling corporate registrations, SMARTFEL also assists companies in fulfilling statutory requirements including annual returns to the Registar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC), completes corporate amendments, such as the amendment of shareholders and / or directors, the registration of increases in capital and the amendment of registered addresses.